Facts About Materialism

We hear so much about how everyone is falling into the trap of materialistic things and how we must avoid it. But if we’ll think profoundly than there’s nothing wrong if it’s giving you a temporary mental pleasure.

It’s completely okay if you are attracted towards it and finding inner peace in buying clothes, wanting your home look luxurious, being a fond of luxury cars, even sometimes it motivates and becomes an encouraging factor to work harder towards your goals. We don’t have to control ourselves over what really attracts us. We just need to stop believing that buying and owning luxury things is necessary. 

Comprehend Satisfaction
Everything we crave in life have some kind of consequences that doesn’t mean we should get rid of it. At the point when we start to embrace the attitude that these material things are essential for us, we ought to make progress toward the purpose of living and a definitive guardian of our satisfaction, that is when things begin to go amiss. 

We start gathering of assets above associations with others, maybe over our loved ones, and this is the point at which it turns into an unfortunate enslavement.

As per me the need and fascination towards materialistic things consequently goes down as you grow up and it occurs with the progression of time. 

Getting into the Conclusion
I've never seen our grandparents pursuing rich things or craving all that they don't have at that specific moment, they are cheerful when they see their family and their grandkids upbeat. We can see the fulfillment in their eyes when we are doing great throughout our everyday life and this is how they become our greatest role model and that’s how everything summarizes as per the time.
